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The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first.
The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first. 〰️

August 2024 Mission: Bishop’s Appeal 2024 - United Voices For Children
For July, we are supporting FamilyForward with school supplies.

July 2024 Mission: School Supplies for FamilyForward
For July, we are supporting FamilyForward with school supplies.

June 2024 Mission: NIJFON
For June, we hope you will help us support Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbor (NIJFON).

May 2024 Mission: Solar Oven Partners
Heifer International works to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development. Heifer International distributes animals, along with agricultural and value-based training, to families in need around the world as a means of providing self-sufficiency.

April 2024 Mission: Heifer International
Heifer International works to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development.

March 2024 Mission: Grace Children’s Hospital
Grace Children’s Hospital is recognized as Haiti’s leading medical facility dedicated to the treatment of children with tuberculosis (TB).

February 2024 Mission: JOURNEYS
JOURNEYS | The Road Home is a non-profit agency that provides both shelter and social services to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless.

January 2024 Mission: Faith Feeds
FUMCAH is partnering with Faith Feeds to supply food to underserved individuals in the Northwest Suburbs.

December 2023 Mission: Sustainable Action International
Our December Mission is Sustainable Action International (SAI). SAI works to fulfill basic needs for the Haitian people in LaVictoirie, Haiti through their church, elementary school, high school, farm, medical clinic, and other various programs. This year has been incredibly challenging for those living in Haiti due to extreme political unrest and violence causing catastrophic levels of hunger. We are raising funds to assist SAI in their efforts to bring hope and encouragement to the Haitian people in this time of urgent need.
One of our holiday traditions is known as Poinsettias with Purpose. Rather than purchasing live poinsettias, we encourage your donations in honor or memory of loved ones. For each $10 donation (which goes to SAI), a paper poinsettia will hang in the church and will be designated with your name and the name of your loved one(s). The names of your loved ones will be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin.
Submissions are due by December 17. Please fill out the online form at or the paper form available during Sunday services.
Additionally, all proceeds from our annual Missions Cookie Sale will benefit SAI. Cookies may be purchased before and after worship on Sunday, December 17.
Help support Missions by donating at and selecting “Missions” from the drop-down menu. You can also send a check, made out to FUMCAH with "Missions" on the memo line, to the church at 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL.

November 2023 Mission: UMCOR
During November, FUMCAH is supporting the work of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). UMCOR provides humanitarian relief and disaster response in the United States and internationally. Their efforts are targeted in places where natural disasters, war, or conflict have done so much damage that communities are unable to recover on their own. In addition, UMCOR helps communities in the United States and abroad prepare for emergencies and address issues of health, sanitation, poverty, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, and food security. Many development problems are interrelated, so UMCOR uses integrated solutions to address their root causes. UMCOR seeks to empower local hospitals, schools, churches, and other stakeholders by enhancing their capacity to address these issues.
UMCOR and its partners are responding to disasters around the world every day. They are providing humanitarian aid to those affected by war in Israel/Gaza and Ukraine, earthquakes in Afghanistan and Morocco, flooding in Syria and Haiti, and many other humanitarian crises, including those closer to home such as hurricane Idalia in Florida and the fires in Hawaii.
Help support Missions by donating at and selecting “Missions” from the drop-down menu. You can also send a check, made out to FUMCAH with "Missions" on the memo line, to the church at 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL.

October 2023 Mission: Tree of Life Ministry
Our October mission at First United Methodist Church is the Tree of Life Ministry to the Lakota Nation residing on the Rosebud Reservation in Mission, South Dakota. They feed, clothe, shelter, and love this tribe. There is a soup kitchen which provides breakfast and lunch for free and boxes of food to help supplement the evening meal. Due to the area they serve, they also have created a mobile thrift store for community members that are not able to get to their home base in Mission. One of their needs for October is hats and mittens. We will be collecting hats and mittens through Sunday, October 29th. There will be a barrel in the Gathering Place labeled “Hats and Mittens” for your donations. If you are unable to shop and wish to contribute, please consider making a financial donation to help cover the shipping charges. Thank you for your generosity. If you want to learn more about the mission, their contact information is
Help support Missions by donating online at and selecting “Missions” from the drop-down menu. You can also send a check, made out to FUMCAH with "Missions" on the memo line, to the church at 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL.

September 2023 Mission: The Night Ministry
The Night Ministry is a wonderful Chicago-based organization that supports our most vulnerable neighbors, those that are homeless or experiencing poverty. They provide human connection, housing support and healthcare. After worship on Sunday, September 24, anyone that would like can join us in making sack lunches to be distributed via their Health Outreach Bus for their Roseland Stop.
Help support Missions by donating online at and selecting “Missions” from the drop-down menu. You can also send a check, made out to FUMCAH with "Missions" on the memo line, to the church at 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL.

August 2023 Mission: New Roots Urban Farm Emergency Rebuild
Straddling the geographic border of two neighborhoods in north city St. Louis, New Roots Urban Farm maintains and nurtures a farm site, a greenhouse with an outdoor kitchen, chickens, bees, ducks, bunnies, and each other.
New Roots does much more than simply grow organic produce in the city, they are actively working toward building a new economy based on caring for each other and the planet.
“On the most local level, we think each block or each neighborhood should have a localized food system that they create to meet their community food needs. We cannot rely on distant farms in distant countries and markets to feed us, let alone nourish us. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our communities. We are here as a fledgling experiment and model for what urban communities can accomplish for themselves.”
The FUMCAH youth were blessed to be able to able to be a part of the beautiful work that New Roots has been up to. We spent two mornings there during our 5 day stay in St. Louis: weeding, caring for the animals (and playing with them too!), creating art for their farm and advertising around the city, and learning about systemic food injustices in St. Louis (and every city).
visit FUMCAH Happenings to view photos from the trip
We were also gifted with the chance to visit Sk8 Liborius, the Catholic Church-turned-indoor-skate-park next door. That was an incredible experience of witnessing the resurrection and transformation of a space that was no longer serving the original need for which it was erected. The same story plays out with urban lots that have been abandoned and have become neglected urban prairies. And the work Antajuan and his crew were doing at New Roots is actively transforming these forgotten places into fruitful, beautiful spaces of constructive creativity and nourishment.
To our great dismay, we learned that two weeks after we had visited the farm, Sk8 Liborius caught fire, burned the roof off and reduced the rest of the building to a brick shell. The devastating result of this four-alarm fire is that New Roots Urban Farm, situated immediately next door, was contaminated, covered with soot and debris, and rendered completely ruined. New Roots is literally rising from the ashes in an effort to rebuild an even better version of their dream, and we, at FUMCAH, get to be a part of that hopeful work during the month of August as we highlight them as our monthly mission focus.
We hope you’ll support the ministry our youth have been up to, as well as help New Roots get back on their feet. The Lord provideth!

July 2023 Mission: School Supply Drive for FamilyForward
FamilyForward (formerly Faith Community Homes) strives to “strengthen northwest suburban families to achieve financial stability and independence, through mentoring, rental assistance, and support services.” The community leaders and volunteers of FamilyForward are dedicated to assisting underserved local families. They teach solid financial principles and important career-advancement and life skills to help families become more stable and create a brighter future. Learn more about FamilyForward at This summer, FamilyForward has identified quite a few children in the families that they serve who could use some help getting ready for school. The Missions Committee is looking for financial help in the month of July to purchase gift cards that FamilyForward will distribute to the families of those children. These gift cards will allow the parents to purchase the school supplies that each child will need. Help support these children by donating online at, selecting “Missions” from the drop-down menu, and typing FCH on the memo line. You can also send a check, made out to FUMCAH with FCH on the memo line, to the church at 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

June 2023 Mission: Youth Outlook
Youth Outlook is our June Mission. They are the first social service agency in Illinois solely dedicated to the support of LGBTQ+ youth. They work in six counties in the Chicago suburbs, offering drop-in centers for youth, parental support, and community education.
Drop-in Centers meet weekly and are a social setting for youth to meet other LGTBQ+ young people.
Thrive is a support group for parents and those actively parenting LGTBQ+ teens. It offers safe confidential space for parents to share their journey and concerns.
Community Education initiatives inform professionals and educators on needs specific to the LGTBQ+ community in addition to current trends in working with LGBTQ+ youth and creating LGTBQ+ inclusive environments.
For more information regarding Youth Outlook, please visit

May 2023 Mission: Mother's Day Cards for WINGS
The Mission for the month of May is WINGS Program, Inc. Wings is committed to breaking the cycle of domestic violence by providing housing, integrated services, education, and advocacy. Every year this organization helps hundreds of victims move away from violence and towards safety, security, and independence.
You can purchase a Mother's Day card for $10. Your donation will go to support the efforts of the wonderful WINGS organization. The artwork for the card was created by FUMCAH member (and artist-in-residence), Thom Frerk. Mother's Day cards will be sold before and after church on Sunday, April 30, and Sunday, May 7.

April 2023 Mission: Heifer International
The Mission for the month of April is Heifer International. Heifer International “is on a mission to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities.” Their work begins with a “seed investment” of agriculture or livestock, which is followed by training and mentoring as families build small businesses, improving their access to supply chains and markets.
A gift of $20 can provide a family with a flock of chicks, ducks, or geese. A gift of $30 can provide a hive of bees. Donate $60 and a family can receive a trio of rabbits. Give a sheep, a pig, or a goat for $120. A donation of $500 can provide a family with a heifer. Learn more at
We will be asking the FUMCAH children to help us support Heifer International by helping to collect a Noisy Offering in worship on April 23. So please save your change, mark your calendar to bring it to worship on April 23, and we will make some noise for Heifer International!

March 2023 Mission - Grace Children's Hospital
Grace Children’s Hospital is recognized as Haiti’s leading medical facility dedicated to the treatment of children with tuberculosis (TB). Each year, the hospital receives thousands of children who are suffering from TB, HIV, and other diseases. During their stay, which averages three months, Grace Children’s Hospital provides a place of healing, and once a child is on the road to recovery, they can attend school at the hospital. Families receive these services for a one-time fee of eight dollars, yet so many cannot afford even this much. Grace never turns a child or family away, regardless of ability to pay. The hospital also offers outpatient clinics and outreach programs to the community.