
Coming Up:

Small Groups:
Get Involved:

From Our Community:
The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first.
The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first. 〰️

Food Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month, please bring a food item with you to worship or drop it off during office hours on Monday-Thursday.

Easter Flowers Sale
Easter and spring flowers will decorate our Sanctuary for Easter! Flowers may be purchased in memory of and/or in honor of your loved ones. The flowers will be displayed on the chancel on Easter Sunday and may be picked up after the 2nd service on Easter Sunday (12:30pm).

Spring Gift Card Sale for Youth Missions
Youth Missions will be sponsoring a Spring Gift Card Sale. Need a little something for Mom, Dad, or a Grad? Or maybe to brighten someone's day? You can purchase a gift card for that special person and help support this summer's youth mission trip to Appalachia at the same time! Pick up your order before or after worship on April 27, May 4, and May 11. Place your order any of those days and pick up your cards the following Sunday. The final pickup day will be May 18.
Payment must accompany the order form. You can pay cash or write a check payable to FUMCAH, with “Youth Missions Gift Cards” on the memo line. You may also pay online at For online payments, select “Youth Missions Fund” and write “Gift Cards” on the memo line. Be prepared to show either a screenshot of an expected payment or an email acknowledging payment when you turn in your order form.
Thank you for supporting FUMCAH Youth Missions!

FUMCAH Saturday at the Faith Feeds Food Pantry
Team FUMCAH will help staff the Faith Feeds Food Pantry for their regular Saturday distribution.

Missions Valentine’s Day Cards
Valentine’s Day cards will be available before and after worship.

Recycled Christmas Donations
Donations will be accepted in January on Wednesdays, 9am-1pm & 5-7pm, and Sundays 9-11am.

Undeck the Church
The Advent Season is Almost Over
As the Holiday season is ending it is also time to take down the Holiday decorations. We need to take down and pack the decorations in boxes and bins, and then take up to the storage area on the 2nd floor. All ages are welcome, the storage bins will be down from upstairs and placed in the Gathering place or distributed to the appropriate area.
Any questions may be directed to Becky Johnson.

Annual Missions Cookie Sale
It's Christmas cookie time! Our annual Missions Cookie Sale will be held on Sunday, December 15th both before and after the service. All proceeds will benefit Sustainable Action International in La Victoire, Haiti.
We are in need of bakers to drop off Christmas cookies on Saturday, December 14th from 10-11am. See our SignUpGenius for additional details.

Comfort Bags for Chicago Survivors' Network
DECEMBER 1: Help Provide Comfort to People Who Have Lost Loved Ones to Gun Violence: All Are Welcome:
On December 1, in the loggia after our worship service, members of FUMCAH will be prayerfully packing 100 comfort bags for family members who have lost a loved one to gun violence.
FUMCAH will fill these bags with items we hope can bring some solace to those suffering from the unimaginable trauma and loss due to gun violence.
We will then pass these bags onto the Chicago Survivors' Network. Members of the Chicago Survivors Network will gift these bags when they visit the close relative of the gunshot victim. Our purpose in creating these bags: To remind the suffering mother, father, brother, uncle, auntie, father, cousin, friend that God is with them. And the FUMCAH congregation stands with them in their pain.
Please join us on Dec 1 after worship for this meaningful ministry.

Deck the Church for Christmas/Holidays!
We would like different groups (Jam, Youth, UW of Faith, Green Team, 4x8 Dinner Groups, Reaching Out Circle, Men's Group, Bible Study Group, Music Circle, Grief Support, Sisters, Reconciling Ministry, or whatever other group) to have an option to choose an area to decorate. Gathering Place, Sanctuary, Loge, Big Xmas Tree for the chancel, Fellowship Hall, The Rock, Chapel, Church Office.

Can We Hear You Now?
The church likes to preach, but we're not so good at listening. We'd like to change that.

Kids Above All Holiday Gift Drive
Purchase a gift for a child in one of the KAA programs and help make their holiday wish come true!

Community Feast
FUMCAH is teaming up with United Church of Rogers Park each month to serve food to the community.

Order Preschool Spirit Wear!
Order by September 24 at and show your Preschool Pride! Orders will be delivered to church.

Care Team Meeting
As a church we care for each other through one-on-one visits, meals, funeral preparation, cards and prayers. Join Pastors David and Brittany on September 16th, at 7:00pm to help craft a vision for how we can integrate all of these parts into a comprehensive Care Team.

Sewing With Us
Join UWFaith Genesis and the Green Team in a sewing project: We're trimming coffee hour napkins to a smaller size.

Listening Tours
Listening Tours are small gatherings for churches going through pastoral transitions. Their purpose is for the pastors to listen to congregation members.

Help Decorate for VBS!
Friends, we are looking for a mighty list of donations that we can borrow to help immerse our kids in the Summer Camp vibe that is VBS 2024!

Appalachia Service Project (ASP) 2024
ASP is a biennial mission trip for youth 9th-12th grade (age 14-19). The group travels to Appalachia for a week in the summer to repair homes, build community, and witness the healing work of God’s justice.

Annual Conference Clergy Session
Please sign up here if you can help at this year’s Clergy Session of Annual Conference.

Summer Sunday School Teachers
You can be a Sunday school teacher this summer! Sign up here.

Bountiful Harvest
Donate or purchase fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, or plants to benefit Faith Feeds Food Pantry.