Adult Ministries

Our relationship with God changes throughout our lives. And it’s never too late to take a step of faith.

  • At FUMCAH, our small groups are a way to grow in faith and build relationships by “doing life together.” The emphasis is not on any particular curriculum; resources are used to help the members grow and to share their daily faith journey with one another while encouraging vital discipleship. While some small groups are ongoing, most have a particular beginning and ending points. New groups are announced throughout the year.

  • Faith is both formed and informed when we study together. At FUMCAH, there are several study groups. Most welcome new members at any time.

  • Kaleidoscope: Always Something Different - Always Something Intriguing

    Kaleidoscope, our every Sunday adult faith formation opportunity, is re-emerging and transforming this fall. Not only will the topic we explore vary from week-to-week, there will be three formats:

    1. Drop-in Bible study every Sunday after worship in the main floor Chapel. Grab your coffee or tea and join us.

    2. Periodic one session and short-term series on topics of interest - from mission experiences to parenting wisdom.

    3. A "Featured Kaleidoscope" each season.

  • Children learn the importance of faith by participating alongside adults. Youth who are a full part of the life of a church are more likely to participate in a faith community as adults. Adults encounter faith in fresh ways when they follow the example of children.

    Intergenerational worship and faith formation opportunities will engage your mind and your senses. You won’t just sit still, listening and watching someone else. You will interact by moving your body and using your mind. There will be moments of reverence, plenty of fun, and a variety of ways to encounter God and other people.

  • UWFaith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

    Our programs are centered on current mission and social justice issues, growth in spirituality, fundraising, and growing friendships among our members. Some recent programs have been on Economic Justice, Climate Justice, and Latin America. Gatherings have included our annual Christmas party, a Spiritual Spa, and a book discussion event with the author.

    Women involved in UWFaith can participate in a “Circle” that meets monthly during the school year. Circles are roughly organized by age groups.

    1. Rooted in Love (RIL), for women in their 20’s and 30’s meets the 2nd Sunday, 10:45 am at church

    2. Horizon, for women in their 30’s - 50’s meets the 2nd Tuesday, 9:30 am at church.

    3. Faith, for women in their 40’s-60’s meets various evenings and locations.

    4. Revised Edition, for women in their 50’s - 80’s meets the 2nd Monday, 9:30 am at church.

    5. Reaching Out, for women 60 and above meets the 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm in homes.

    Please contact our current president, Allison Anderson, to participate.

    In addition, we do two major fundraisers every year to raise money for missions: Spring Rummage Sale and Recycled Christmas (in November).