PADS Shelter Program
Site Director - Rodger Reaume
Facilities Planner - Patrick Nudo
Thursdays, October-April, 7pm-7am
JOURNEYS | The Road Home is a non-profit agency that provides shelter, social services, and housing to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in 37 towns in north/northwest suburban Cook County. The PADS Shelter Program is created in partnership with area faith communities to provide overnight shelter to those in need. The PADS shelter season runs from October 1st to April 30th each year. An active faith community will open its doors to pre-qualified JOURNEYS clients to provide a safe place to sleep, a warm dinner, and breakfast. Clients are allowed on site between 7:00PM and 7:00AM on the night the church serves as a shelter site.
FUMCAH will be hosting guests on Thursdays. Patrick Nudo is the Facilities Planner and Rodger Reaume is the site director. Rodger has been in the program for thirty years and managed the PADS site at Congregational United Church of Christ before coming to FUMCAH.