For September, FUMCAH’s mission focus is Viator House of Hospitality. VHH provides support for adult male immigrants seeking asylum in the US with things like housing, food, clothing, medical attention, case management and spiritual support. Since its founding in 2017, VHH has provided a home for more than 90 young men from 22 nations. VHH continues to offer a humane alternative to immigrant detention.
Father Corey from Viator House will be speaking at FUMCAH on Sunday, September 29 - please join Kaleidoscope after church to hear more about the positive impact Viator House is making in our community.
Please join us in supporting Viator Home for Hospitality. Missions donations can be placed in the offering plate on Sundays, or made online at and choosing "missions" as the fund. Thank you for helping us to support this worthy organization making a world of difference for many immigrants.