Submissions are due by noon on Monday for inclusion in Faith Leads and the following Sunday bulletin.
We typically start promoting an event approximately two weeks before it begins.
All submissions will be edited at the discretion of the Communications staff.
Unsure where to share?
will be included in Faith Leads, either linked to the event's website page or as text
Events page (FUMCAH website)
added as an event on the church website
website tags determine where an event displays on the rest of the website (e.g., Intergenerational will be seen on the Kids, Youth, and Adults page).
Sunday morning worship announcements and bulletin
the Events section of the Sunday bulletin
the pre-service announcements slideshow
will be added to the church calendar and displayed on the scheduling screens
FUMCAH social media
will be posted on our social media if/when appropriate
This is for sharing about things that have already happened, not for upcoming events.
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The form is not submitted until you complete the reCAPTCHA.