I’m New
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights. We are glad you are here and hope you have an opportunity to learn more about us.
About Us
FUMCAH shares God’s bold love by welcoming everyone and working for the well-being of the most vulnerable. We believe that God is working for a world where everyone is valued and where the earth is cared for. Participating in God’s bold love is central to everything FUMCAH does.
In 2009 FUMCAH adopted the following statement: “We celebrate humanity’s diversity of age, racial and ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, special needs, socio-economic conditions, and family status. Created in the image of God, all persons are worthy of God’s love and grace and welcomed into full participation in the life of our congregation.”
Starting Point
Are you interested in learning more about the church and possibly becoming a member? Join the pastors in the Library after church on the 2nd Sunday of each month for Starting Point.
Ministry Match
Ministry is not limited to just one person or one set of gifts. We are all ministers. The apostle Paul emphasized this by talking about members of the church as members of the Body of Christ. Everyone has a part to do and every member matters. FUMCAH uses a tool called Ministry Match, a custom-made interest and skill survey, to help everyone find the places where they can use their particular skills and find fulfillment.
FUMCAH is the acronym (First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights) that we use to describe our community.
Yes, children are welcome in worship. We also offer Nursery Care (birth through age 2) during worship, fellowship time, and Sunday morning adult education. Sunday School (age two through sixth grade) is at 9:30am.
Our building is currently equipped with ADA-required ramps, elevators, and a lift to and from our Fellowship Hall. Our worship space is equipped with assistive listening devices; those with hearing needs can learn more about our Assisted Listening System here.
You’re invited to reach out to one of our pastors or call 847-255-5112 if you have any questions about our community, beliefs, programs, or worship opportunities.
You are welcome to wear what you like. Most people dress in “business casual.” You’ll see the occasional tie and sport coat, dress and heels.
Usually about an hour.
We have an “open table” which means all are welcome to participate in Communion. You don’t need to be a member of our church, or any church.
fumcah.com/events provides a listing of upcoming events you can participate in.
fumcah.com/worship contains the most recent online service, Order of Worship, and check-in page.
fumcah.com/getinvolved is a place to sign up to volunteer, learn about Discovery Circles (small groups), and more.
fumcah.com/happenings is our community blog, with photos, videos, and descriptions of what we’ve been up to.
fumcah.com/faithleads is where you can find our weekly e-news.