There are many ways

to be involved in this



  • contact: Pastor Brittany

    • arrive by 9:15am

    • read the scripture passage from the pulpit

  • FUMCAH Coffee Hour Tutorial Video

    contact: Sharon Olsen

    • arrive before church to set up and get the water heating

    • leave worship a few minutes early to start the coffee maker and put out any other items needed

    • cleanup is quick and easy - use the dishwasher for most of it!

    You do not have to buy supplies or bake anything; we are serving coffee, lemonade, and treats (donuts, cookies, muffin, cheese, etc.). Most of these are in the freezer and just need to be removed before the start of worship.

    A notebook of directions is available in the coffee bar. If this will be your first time, please sign up as an assistant so that you can learn the ropes.

  • contact: Gail Becker and Judy Standefer

  • contact: Lauren Johnson

  • contact: chris rice

    • set up and operate the sound, video streaming, and projection equipment in the Sanctuary

    • provide technical assistance elsewhere as needed; this primarily includes slideshows and basic sound services in the Gathering Place, Fellowship Hall, or the Wesley Room

    Additionally, we often provide similar support for weddings, memorial services, and church/outside groups.

    Instructions for setting up and operating the equipment for a service are here.

  • contact: Pastor Brittany

    • Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month

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