There are many ways
to be involved in this
contact: Pastor Brittany
arrive by 9:15am
read the scripture passage from the pulpit
FUMCAH Coffee Hour Tutorial Video
arrive before church to set up and get the water heating
leave worship a few minutes early to start the coffee maker and put out any other items needed
cleanup is quick and easy - use the dishwasher for most of it!
You do not have to buy supplies or bake anything; we are serving coffee, lemonade, and treats (donuts, cookies, muffin, cheese, etc.). Most of these are in the freezer and just need to be removed before the start of worship.
A notebook of directions is available in the coffee bar. If this will be your first time, please sign up as an assistant so that you can learn the ropes.
contact: Gail Becker and Judy Standefer
contact: Lauren Johnson
contact: chris rice
set up and operate the sound, video streaming, and projection equipment in the Sanctuary
provide technical assistance elsewhere as needed; this primarily includes slideshows and basic sound services in the Gathering Place, Fellowship Hall, or the Wesley Room
Additionally, we often provide similar support for weddings, memorial services, and church/outside groups.
Instructions for setting up and operating the equipment for a service are here.
contact: Pastor Brittany
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month
Small Groups:
Interested in learning more about the church and possibly becoming a member? Join Pastors Brittany and David in the Library after church on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
Our goal is to share, vent, and offer comradery without judgement. Meets after worship on the first Sunday of each month.
Get Involved:
On the first Sunday of each month, please bring a food item with you to worship or drop it off during office hours on Monday-Thursday.
Easter and spring flowers will decorate our Sanctuary for Easter! Flowers may be purchased in memory of and/or in honor of your loved ones. The flowers will be displayed on the chancel on Easter Sunday and may be picked up after the 2nd service on Easter Sunday (12:30pm).
Upcoming Events:
Come down to Fellowship Hall after worship!
Join us for another (and now ongoing) adventure at the table of roll and play.
Come to a potluck dinner.
Our Good Friday service begins at 7:30pm.
Drawing on the ancient Vigil ritual that incorporates Light, Water, Word and Table, we will go on a pilgrimage as traveling companions through the church, offering us a deeply moving experience of our faith story then and now.
This is the day we proclaim that justice does indeed roll down in a stream of love that cannot be stopped! No matter what, we will continue to work to invite and welcome all people to “a city built of love and light, the new Jerusalem.” For it is in walking together, talking together and dreaming together that we are all saved from the things of death and made heirs to life as we create a better, safer, and more hospitable world.
We will have two Easter Sunday services, at 9:30am and 11:15am, with an egg hunt and games for kids in between.
We invite you to offer hope for the vulnerable around the world by Hand-packing specially formulated MannaPack meals for children around the world.
Open to all youth/teens and adults. Please complete this survey if you are interested in participating/helping: 2024 Musical Survey.