Experience the power of the old and ever-new story of death and resurrection.
Lent is a time of reminding ourselves who we are called to be in this world. Our Lenten series is inspired by Amos, a prophet whose message is that God calls us to let “justice roll down like waters.”
Easter and spring flowers will decorate our Sanctuary for Easter! Flowers may be purchased in memory of and/or in honor of your loved ones. The flowers will be displayed on the chancel on Easter Sunday and may be picked up after the 2nd service on Easter Sunday (12:30pm).
We begin Holy Week on Palm Sunday, celebrating Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, with a service at 9:30am.
Our Good Friday service begins at 7:30pm.
Drawing on the ancient Vigil ritual that incorporates Light, Water, Word and Table, we will go on a pilgrimage as traveling companions through the church, offering us a deeply moving experience of our faith story then and now.
This is the day we proclaim that justice does indeed roll down in a stream of love that cannot be stopped! No matter what, we will continue to work to invite and welcome all people to “a city built of love and light, the new Jerusalem.” For it is in walking together, talking together and dreaming together that we are all saved from the things of death and made heirs to life as we create a better, safer, and more hospitable world.
We will have two Easter Sunday services, at 9:30am and 11:15am, with an egg hunt and games for kids in between.