Our October mission at First United Methodist Church is the Tree of Life Ministry to the Lakota Nation residing in Mission, South Dakota. There is a soup kitchen which provides breakfast and lunch for free and boxes food to help supplement the evening meal. They also have a thrift store that provides household goods and gently used clothing. One of their needs for October is hats and mittens. We will be collecting hats and mittens through Sunday, 10/27/24. We will have a barrel in the Welcoming Area for your donations. If you're unable to shop, a financial donation will be appreciated to help defray the shipping costs. If you want to learn more about the mission, their contact information is http://treeofliferelief.org
Please join us in supporting this critical mission. Donations can be placed in the offering plate on Sundays, or made online at FUMCAH.com/give and choosing "missions" as the fund.