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The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first.


The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first. 〰️

Filtering by: “General”
Good Friday

Good Friday

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our Good Friday service begins at 7:30pm.

Drawing on the ancient Vigil ritual that incorporates Light, Water, Word and Table, we will go on a pilgrimage as traveling companions through the church, offering us a deeply moving experience of our faith story then and now.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is the day we proclaim that justice does indeed roll down in a stream of love that cannot be stopped! No matter what, we will continue to work to invite and welcome all people to “a city built of love and light, the new Jerusalem.” For it is in walking together, talking together and dreaming together that we are all saved from the things of death and made heirs to life as we create a better, safer, and more hospitable world.

We will have two Easter Sunday services, at 9:30am and 11:15am, with an egg hunt and games for kids in between.

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Youth Summer Mission
to Jun 22

Youth Summer Mission

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The SrHI youth and several adults are heading back to the Appalachian hills this Summer, June 14-22. We'll spend a transformative week helping make folks' homes warmer, safer, and drier in the name and way of Christ. Contact Ben Hallett if you're interested in coming along.

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Learn About Gerry's Cafe

Learn About Gerry's Cafe

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn about and enjoy some delicious refreshments from Gerry's Cafe, a non-profit, full-service local café with over 35 employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Reconciling Ministries Committee and their Friends and Allies for a multi-generational evening of food, fellowship and board games. Be sure to wear your rainbow colors or be wearin' your St. Patrick's Day green! We hope to see you there for what promises to be a fun evening!

Bring your favorite game and an appetizer or dessert to share. Donations of $5 appreciated to benefit Glen's Friends | LGBTQ+.

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The Longest Night

The Longest Night

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

While most people enjoy the festive spirit of major holidays, for those who have suffered recent loss the pain of isolation, loneliness and grief is underscored. The winter solstice is a natural symbol that reminds us that light eventually overcomes darkness. Even the longest, darkest night gives way to longer and brighter days.

A service of hope for those who are enduring a season of sorrow will be held on Friday, December 20, at 7:30pm in the chapel. Through candlelit song, sharing and prayer, we will honor the journey you’ve been on and set our feet on a brighter path forward. No reservations necessary.

This service will be in-person only.

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Annual Missions Cookie Sale

Annual Missions Cookie Sale

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It's Christmas cookie time! Our annual Missions Cookie Sale will be held on Sunday, December 15th both before and after the service. All proceeds will benefit Sustainable Action International in La Victoire, Haiti.

We are in need of bakers to drop off Christmas cookies on Saturday, December 14th from 10-11am. See our SignUpGenius for additional details.

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Informational meeting for: Living with critical illness support group

Informational meeting for: Living with critical illness support group

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This initial meeting is to gage interest in a support group for people with critical illnesses. The group will be a place to share fear and acceptance of health crises without judgement. Participants can vent and share how they are feeling and coping.

Moving forward the group will set a day and time that is most convenient for all. Nancy Tierney will facilitate and bring donuts. Please bring your own coffee.

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Kaleidoscope: Loneliness - The Silent Epidemic

Kaleidoscope: Loneliness - The Silent Epidemic

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Loneliness is a silent epidemic sweeping across communities, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It creeps in unnoticed, often masked by the hustle and bustle of daily life. Despite being surrounded by people, many experience a profound sense of isolation, struggling with the disconnect between their inner emotions and the external world.

Our speaker will be Dr. Nicole Reidy, DSW, LCSW, ICDVP. She is a social worker at the U of Chicago, and did her doctoral dissertation on Loneliness.

Then, we have two panelists:

  • James Boggess, LCSW

  • Daniellah Salario, Owner, Assisting Hands Home Care

There will be time for Q&A.

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Trunk or Treat is back! You're invited to wear your Halloween costume to church, invite friends, decorate a trunk, collect candy, play some games, and win prizes! Donuts, Cider/Juice, and Coffee will be outside, too! Let's work together to get 20 awesome and diverse trunks lined up. Look for our table in the Gathering Place on October 6th and 13th.

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Say Yes! The Power of Generosity
to Nov 10

Say Yes! The Power of Generosity

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sometimes generosity feels like something others want from us, but scripture teaches that it is really something God desires for us. Generosity transforms us in positive ways so that we participate in God’s dream of a better world.

Beginning October 20th join us for worship at 9:30 for a four-part series focused on how we practice generosity as followers of Jesus. We will learn that generosity allows us to build margin, express compassion, create influence, and yield joy.

To kick off the event on the 20th we will have cider and donuts after worship with space to begin a weeks long interactive Art project. On, November 10, Special Guest, Rev. Christian Coon will preach, we will consecrate our congregation’s 2025 financial commitments and celebrate with a a hot chocolate bar after worship.

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