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Maundy Thursday Evening Meals

  • First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights 1903 East Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL, 60004 United States (map)

I’m writing this aboard the Coast Starlight train having boarded in Los Angeles, California, Monday morning, we anticipate arriving in Seattle, Washington, Tuesday night. The views have been amazing: beaches and mountains, farmland, boulders, conifer forests, and some spaces where the devastation of the fires is apparent.

There is no wifi and some very spotty places of cell reception, which is good for unplugging and conversation. In the dining car each table seats four so it has been a lovely opportunity to meet new people, find commonalities, and have discussions that I wouldn’t have otherwise had. Our dining companions have been from Delaware, Canada, Los Angeles, and even Glenview, Illinois!

There is something special about breaking bread together. Unlike a party where you can flit from one conversation to another, a meal together ensures that everyone is stationary for a period of time. It gives the opportunity to have deeper discussions.

This is the opportunity that we want to give each of you on Maundy Thursday (Apr. 17). Instead of a service at church, we are going to take church into several homes for a mini potluck and prayer service. We have nine hosts that will provide a place to gather, eat, and pray. A few groups will start at 5:30 pm (everyone is welcome but we did this because young children tend to eat earlier). The majority will start at 6:30 pm with a meal and discussion followed by a liturgy that remembers Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. You can choose which home to go to by signing up for a meal here. I hope you can join me in this great opportunity to get to know some new people.


April 13

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April 18

Good Friday