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From Our Community:
The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first.
The following listing is chronological with ongoing groups first. 〰️

Illinois Brass Band Open Rehearsal
The Illinois Brass Band, (IBB), invites you to attend as our guests, an open rehearsal on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 7:30 PM. The rehearsal will take place in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights, 1903 E. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL.
This is the last rehearsal before the band leaves for the North American Brass Band Associations (NABBA) national championships in Ft. Wayne, IN.
The evening will begin with a brief program featuring the Fox Valley Brass Band. IBB will then present the two selections that they will perform in Ft. Wayne. The required test piece for all bands in the section, “Ghost of Industry” by Lucy Pankhurst was commissioned by NABBA for this year’s contest. The title of IBB’s own choice piece cannot be revealed in print as it is a blind judged competition. We can tell you though that it is as exciting a piece as you will ever hear and that it has never been performed in competition in the USA. This will be the only time that either of these pieces will be performed locally.
We hope to see you at the rehearsal for an evening of exciting brass band music. This is an opportunity to experience brass bands performing some of the most difficult music written for the genra. Families and friends are invited to this free performance.

Alice Jenks Birthday Celebration
You are invited to Alice Jenks’ 90th birthday party!
Celebrate our very creative and colorful friend, Alice (aka Rainbow Grandma). Please join her family and friends at FUMCAH next Saturday afternoon. Wear your most colorful clothes and enjoy cake, coffee and beverages at this open-house party. No gifts, please. Your presence is everything!
See you in the Gathering Place at FUMCAH on Saturday, April 26 between 2:30-4:30 pm.
Troop 132 Spring Flower Fundraiser
BSA Troop 132's Annual Spring Flower Fundraiser has begun! We are returning to Northwoods this year for their reliable offering of garden flats, planters and hanging baskets, along with a selection of tomato and pepper plants. Sales run through Sunday, March 16th; flowers will arrive on Friday, May 9th (before Mothers' Day). Andrew Smiskol will have a table in the Gathering Place on Sundays to answer any questions and to help with ordering.
Please visit our online fundraising page to view the full selection of plants and vegetables available for Spring 2025: BSA Troop 132 Spring Bedding 2025 | Northwoods Wreaths

"Holiday Classics" with The Illinois Brass Band
Come join The Illinois Brass Band and music director Stephen Squires for an afternoon filled with the music and sounds of the season. The band presents their “Holiday Classics” family Christmas concert at 2:00 PM on Sunday, December 22, 2024 at First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights, 1903 E. Euclid Ave, Arlington Hts, IL. Featured guests with the band will be the “Familia Dei” hand bell choir from the church accompanying the band on selected numbers.
The 30 member British-style brass band, now in their 33rd year of performing, will provide an exciting and upbeat performance of Christmas fanfares, popular Christmas favorites, sacred carols, holiday novelty numbers, our traditional sing along, and many other holiday favorites.
This year’s performance features a new and exciting festive work from the pen of composer Philip Rayment, “City of David.” The work features a trio of carols associated with the place of Christ’s birth, “Once in Royal David’s City,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” and “How Far to Bethlehem.” The work was premiered in 2023 by the Canadian Staff Band of the Salvation Army. This will be the first performance in the greater Chicago area.
Also featured on the program are carols by John Rutter, Bach’s “Ave Maria,” “Frosty the Snowman” with tuba soloist Dan Bethel, “White Christmas” with featured vocalist Amy Bearden, the seldom heard Ken Norman arrangement of “Jingle Bell Rock” and many other selections.
Tickets are available in advance at or at the door on the day of the performance. A family ticket option is $35 and includes admission for 2 adults and up to 4 children under the age of 18. Individual adult tickets are $15 with children under 18 at $5.
We hope that you will join us on the 22nd and make this a part of your Christmas traditions.

The Arlingtones Christmas Concert
Come attend our Christmas Show!
Under the direction of John Davis, the Arlingtones will hold its annual barbershop a cappella Christmas show on Saturday, December 14th, at 3pm in the First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights (FUMCAH).
Enjoy live performances with a mixed repertoire of barbershop Christmas songs sung by the chorus and various quartets!

2024 National Interfaith Vigil: Remembering Together: All Victims and Survivors of Gun Violence
Please join us in the Sanctuary at 7-8pm on December 8 to hear the compelling stories of victims and survivors of gun violence. FUMCAH has the honor to host this important event for the Northwest Suburban Area. This Vigil is part of the larger national movement sponsored by the Newtown Action Alliance Foundation (NAAF), an organization dedicated to remembering the victims of Sandy Hook disaster and ALL gun violence victims. This Vigil is planned by many local anti-violence groups including Moms Demand Action, NWSOFA--INDIVISBLE, Chicago Survivors, Illinois Alliance to Prevent Gun Violence, AIM-IL, and others.
We stand together with these organizations to say ENOUGH to the scourge of gun violence in our country. Please join us on December 8.
Let us know that you will be attending by clicking here->

2nd Annual Bless Bryson's Heart Blood Drive
In honor of Bryson's 4th Heartiversary, we hope you will join us by donating blood on Saturday, December 7. Appointments are available through the website. Blood donor requirements have been updated to be more inclusive, so those who may have been ineligible before are now welcomed to share the gift of life. There is a critical shortage in our community; if you are willing and able, please join us!
If you are unable to donate or volunteer but want to help, simply spread the word to find more blood donors! Thank you!

"All That Brass" with The Illinois Brass Band
The Illinois Brass Band and Music Director Stephen Squires will present their opening concert of the season, “All That Brass,” on Friday, November 1st at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights, 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Hts., IL.
Dr. Bruce Briney, recently retired professor of music at Western IL University, will be our guest soloist. He will be performing on trumpet Philip Sparke’s “Manhattan.” Tuba soloists from within the band, Dan Bethel and Chris Miller will join forces as they perform “Radiant Pathways” by Leslie Condon.
The performance will also feature the premier of James Syler’s composition “Gearbox.” Mr. Syler describes the piece in his program notes, “It has many moving parts whirling together in a repetitive groove and frenetic energy and power.” Gearbox was written in memory of his father, Robert Syler who was a lover of cars and all things mechanical.
The ever popular and recognizable “Polovtsian Dances” by Borodin, and Percy Grainger’s “Molly on the Shore” and many other brass band favorites will be featured during this evening of great music.
Tickets are available in advance at or at the door on the day of the performance.
Adults $15, children 18 and under $5.
The thirty member British style Illinois Brass Band is in its 33rd year of performing and is supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

90 Cards for Steve Berry's 90 Years!
Help us celebrate the 90th birthday of Steve Berry, longtime member of FUMCAH. We are hoping to organize the delivery of 90 birthday cards from longtime friends, former colleagues, and all who cherish him. He currently spends half his time in Arizona and half his time in Galena and is doing very well, but he'd love to read a note about how you are doing, what is new and exciting, a memory you have, or a simple birthday greeting.
A collection box is on the porch of his former residence, 2009 E Fremont Ct. We are hoping to collect 90 cards by the morning of October 2 (his birthday) to hand deliver when we see him that evening. Help us make this a birthday he will remember and hold dear!
Many thanks, Ryan and April Berry
Mailing address for cards:
Dr. Steve Berry
2009 E Fremont Ct
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

BSA Troop 132 Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
BSA Troop 132's annual Holiday wreath fundraiser is in full swing! Please stop by our display table during coffee hour on Sunday 10/13, 10/20, or 10/27 to place an order in person, and hear from Andrew about some of his exciting Scouting adventures during the past year which our generous congregation helped to make possible. NEW this year: now offering coffee and hot cocoa mix! (Please see attached brochure)
To place an order online, please visit our fundraising website:
Coffee and Cocoa Mix are not yet available online, so please stop by our table to order, or contact Cindy Smiskol with your selection. Payments accepted through Zelle, Venmo, cash, or check payable to Cindy Smiskol.
Last Day to Order: Friday, 11/1/2024
Products Arrive: Friday, 11/22/2024 (before Thanksgiving)
Delivery available upon request, or pick-up at FUMCAH in front of the garage between 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Thank you in advance to our wonderful congregation for your generous support!
The Illinois Brass Band Summer Concert
The Illinois Brass Band will perform a free summer concert on the west lawn at First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights on Sunday, July 28th at 2:00 PM. The performance will feature the 30 member British style brass band in a program filled with fanfares, marches, light summer classics, music from the movies, pop hits, soloists from within the band, and American classics.
Bring a chair or blanket, pack a picnic, no alcohol please, and enjoy an afternoon of great music. The performance moves indoors in the event of inclement weather.

Illinois Brass Band Open Rehearsal
The Illinois Brass Band will be hosting an open rehearsal on Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:30 PM in the FUMCAH sanctuary.

Primary Election Reminder/Grace Terrace Update
Faith in Action: We would like to encourage everyone to vote in the upcoming election, this Tuesday, March 19. Many village governments are offering early voting. Our committed participation in the electoral process assures our voices are heard.
Illinois Voter Guide (The League of Women Voters of Illinois)
Several gun-sense candidates are running and several judicial races will be voted on. Be informed by checking out the Injustice Watch website:
FIA will be in the loggia the next two Sundays to talk about the Grace Terrace project, an affordable, supportive, 25-unit housing project for veterans and those with disabilities. This project has been in the planning stages for several years; the congregation can help by sending emails to village officials supporting the approval of this building on south Arlington Heights Road.
Take Action; Love Boldly

BSA Troop 132 Spring Flower Fundraiser
It is time for the Boy Scouts' Annual Spring Flower Fundraiser! As we are teased with early Spring weather and begin thinking of Easter, Troop 132 will be offering their usual stunning assortment of flower flats and hanging baskets, as well as tomatoes, peppers, and herbs to order for delivery the weekend after Mother's Day. Proceeds from the sale help the Troop fund their many leadership-oriented activities and adventures throughout the year.
Our "Flower Table" with order forms and pamphlets will be set up on 4/7 and 4/14. (We'll be skipping table set-up on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, but you can still turn in an order form to Andrew Smiskol during those two weeks!)
Orders are due by Friday, April 19th; flowers/plants arrive at FUMCAH on Friday, May 17th (after Mother's Day). Payments may be submitted via:
Venmo: @Cindy-Smiskol
Zelle: -or- 847-341-7788
Checks: Payable to Cindy Smiskol (please, NOT to the Troop!)
Cash payments are always accepted!
Thank you once again for your generous support!

Holiday Classics With The Illinois Brass Band
Celebrate the season on Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 2:00 PM with The Illinois Brass Band and Music Director Stephen Squires as they present "Holiday Classics." This family oriented program will take place in the Sanctuary of FUMCAH and feature the music and sounds of the season. The performance will feature vocal soloist Ms. Amy Bearden singing selections by Rutter, Wainwright and others. Members of the FUMCAH bell choir will accompany the band once again during portions of the performance. The performance will consist of both sacred and secular selections as well as selections for our younger audience members.
Tickets are available at the door 30 minutes before concert time.
Adults $15: Children $5 (18 and under); Family $35 (2 adults and up to 4 children)
The Illinois Brass Band is a 30 member British style brass band in its 32nd year of performing and is supported in part by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council a state agency.
For more information or to purchase advance tickets contact:

Bless Bryson's Heart Blood Drive
In honor of Bryson's 3rd Heartiversary, we hope you will join us by donating blood on Saturday, December 2. Appointments are available through the website. Blood donor requirements have been updated to be more inclusive, so those who may have been ineligible before are now welcomed to share the gift of life. There is a critical shortage in our community; if you are willing and able, please join us!
If you are unable to donate but want to help, please see volunteer opportunities on SignUpGenius or simply spread the word to find more blood donors!
Thank you!

Trans Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.
Learn more about Transgender Day of Remembrance at and find more resources at

Pumpkin Smash!
First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights is hosting a Pumpkin Smash on Saturday, November 4, 2023 from 9:00-2:00, located at 302 N. Dunton Ave, Arlington Heights. Please join them where you will be helping to keep pumpkins out of landfills and into compost piles. This event is open to the entire community. Pumpkins must be free of candles, stickers, glitter, yarn, and synthetic decorations.
Dine & Donate Benefitting Faith Feeds
Support the FIRST-EVER Dine & Donate benefitting Faith Feeds by eating at Chiggy’s Gyros. Faith Feeds receives 15% of proceeds when you mention this promotion while ordering!
Wednesday, October 25, 10am-9pm
Chiggy’s, 165 W NW Hwy, Palatine 60067
Who is Faith Feeds?
Serving more than 2,000 families every month, Faith Feeds is an interfaith response to food insecurity located in Chicago’s Northwest suburbs. This effort is supported by more than 1,200 volunteer hours every month and the partners shown above.
The pantry recently changed its name to better reflect its deep partnerships within the local faith community. Faith Feeds also collaborates with Partners for Our Community, Northwest Community Healthcare, the Greater Chicago Food Depository and others to help those neighbors facing food insecurity.
Faith Feeds operates from the Community Resource Center (1585 N Rand Road) and is a client-choice pantry, where all Cook County residents are eligible to shop twice a month.
For more information, visit, or email to set up a food drive at your location.
Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus
Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus
Sunday, October 15, 3pm
The Arlingtones Barbershop Chorus is performing in the St. John's Chapel of the Lutheran Home - 800 W Oakton Street, Arlington Heights on Sunday Afternoon, October 15 at 3:00 P.M. The concert is sponsored by the Lutheran Home Auxiliary and a delicious dessert and coffee bar after the concert is provided by the Lutheran Life Communities Foundation. The Arlingtones is an award-winning a cappella Chorus located in and singing throughout the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. No reservations needed. This concert is a gift to the community and residents of Lutheran Home in honor of the Lutheran Home Auxiliary's 100th Anniversary. Join us at the Lutheran Home at 3:00 on Sunday, Oct 15 for a great afternoon of singing by the Arlingtones.
Wheeling Township Mental Health Community Survey
From Faith in Action:
For those in the congregation who live in Wheeling Township: Please fill out the Wheeling Township Mental Health Community Survey. This survey was sent inside the recently mailed Fall 2023 Wheeling Township Report. In order for surveys to be considered, surveys must be original (no photocopies) and emailed back or delivered to the township building. Faith in Action can deliver these completed surveys if you want to bring them to church on Sunday. We should have a table set up to provide information about the Wheeling Township decision calling for a revote on the referendum which established a 708/Mental Health Board (which passed by 2000 votes in 2022).
In the summer of 2022, FUMCAH, along with a consortium of local faith communities, recognized the need for more local mental health resources, particularly more short-term, emergency interventions for residents experiencing mental health crises. Our congregation signed petitions to put a referendum for a 708 Mental Health Board, to be administered through Wheeling Township (as designated by Illinois Law). This 708 / Mental Health Board referendum passed by 2000 votes. However, recently, Wheeling Township decided the language allowing for township to collect taxes for the 708 Board was troublesome and vague, possibly leaving the township open for potential lawsuits. Although other townships facing this same concerns chose to wait to see if the Illinois Legislature cleared up this potential confusion, Wheeling Township decided to put the issue up for a revote in the 2024 March general election. The Wheeling Township Board also decided to include the maximum amount of tax that could be charged, ($8 million) rather than listing the advocate-requested figure of $1.5 million. An October 3 Daily Herald editorial states “rushing a new referendum to the ballot … can only be seen as an effort to contradict their [township voters] wishes.”
Faith in Action will continue to work with other faith communities and local mental health agencies to support the establishment of a Wheeling Township Mental Health Board. We are committed to providing much-needed mental health services to our community.
BSA Troop 132 Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
It's that time of year - time to get your holiday greens and wreaths from Boy Scout Troop 132! The last day to order is Friday, 10/27/23. Orders forms are available at church on Sundays and can be turned in to Andrew Smiskol from the Troop. Orders will arrive the weekend before Thanksgiving on Friday 11/17 and can either be picked up at church that evening, or you can request home-delivery by Andrew that weekend (Sat. 11/18 - Sun. 11/18). Payment can be made by cash, check (payable to Cindy Smiskol), Zelle or Venmo (847-341-7788 or Thank you for supporting Scouting!

Illinois Brass Band Summer Concert: “Strike Up the Band”
What is more American than apple pie? Perhaps a summertime Sunday afternoon band concert in the park.
On Sunday, July 30, 2023, The Illinois Brass Band will be performing a free concert at First United Methodist Church of Arlington Heights; 1903 E Euclid Avenue; Arlington Heights, IL at 3:00 PM. The performance will take place on the "Wesley Lawn" (west lawn) of the church. Ample parking is available.
Concert-goers are asked to bring their own chairs or blankets. Picnic lunches or snacks are also encouraged, but please, no alcohol. In the event of inclement weather the performance will move indoors.
The performance will feature light summer concert fare, including marches, show tunes, pop features, a salute to our veterans, and other summertime favorites.
The Illinois Brass Band is a 30 member British style brass band in its 32nd year of performing and is a six time national champion of the North American Brass Band Association. The band is a 501(c)(3) recognized organization and is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts and the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.

BG Pride Parade 2023
BG Pride Parade 2023
June is PRIDE month and while we welcome and celebrate our diversity all year, we are PROUD to participate in special activities. We are incredibly excited to again participate in the annual Buffalo Grove Pride Parade – this year’s theme is The Magic of PRIDE. Join us for this special celebration on Sunday, June 4, for a true in-person, family-centric pride parade in the suburbs.
FUMCAH is a “Friends of BG Pride” sponsor and will be marching in the parade. If you are interested in joining us, please call or text Sharon Nudo at 847-558-4248. We will meet at the church at 9am and carpool. Walkers and group members should be at the staging area by 10:30am. Step-off for the one mile parade route is at 11am.
We’d love to see you there, rain or shine. Rainbow colors and “Magical RAINBOW Explosion” attire are encouraged.