Heart of Gold Awards
Left to right: Village of AH Trustee Richard Baldino, Mary Kay Baldino, Br. Michael Gosch CSV, Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, volunteer Jean Wood and Village of AH Trustee Wendy Dunnington. Unable to attend: volunteers Bill Obalil, Chris and Julie Wood.
FUMCAH is a partner with Viator House of Hospitality. On February 25, the people in this photo attended the Village of Arlington Hearts celebration of “Hearts of Gold Awards.”
These two dedicated men, Fr. Corey Brost, CSV and Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, won one of the awards, the “Heroic Heart of Gold” award, at the annual celebration sponsored by the Village of Arlington Heights. So many people were present at the celebration whose lives have been touched as they volunteer their services as business professionals, tutors, mentors mechanics, doctors, nurses and counselors.
To volunteer, it is a requirement to attend a brief training session and then arrive at Viator House to do whatever they are asked. When one feels helpless about watching unaccompanied children in immigrant youth shelters at the border, this is a way to change that feeling.
Once the young asylum seekers turn 18, they are transferred to adult shelters or detention centers, often in unsafe living conditions. The lucky few find themselves at Viator House where they are welcomed into an environment that feels like a family. With the help of staff and volunteers, these young men form an international, interfaith community of support, where every faith holiday, every culture and every birthday is celebrated.
Since the beginning Viator House of Hospitality in 2007, 112 young men from 30 countries have been welcomed. The house hosts 20 men at a time as they learn English, how to drive, go to school, get jobs, and eventually live on their own.
Viator House depends upon financial contributions from individuals and organizations. To learn more, go to their website: viatorhouseofhospitality.com.
The Village's Special Event's Commission recognizes people who live or work in the Village, and go above and beyond to give back to the Arlington Heights community. HEROIC HEART OF GOLD recognizes a person whose actions changed the trajectory of another person’s life.