The spiritual lives of children are wondrous and dynamic. At FUMCAH we create intentional spaces for children to unwrap the wonder of God through the Bible stories, exploratory play, music & art, and an intergenerational community of lovingkindness.
We offer dynamic, year-round care, and faith formation for children and youth, from birth through 7th grade. All Sunday School classes are held during the 9:30 AM church service, following the “Children’s Moment” in worship.
Nursery and Toddler Care
Loving care is provided in the church nursery for the youngest members of our church family.
Pre-school and Kindergarten
Kids love to FROLIC! We are excited to offer this play-based curriculum that allows kids to explore the Bible story of the day in a few different ways before and after the gathered story time. Children who are at least 2 years old by September 1 meet in Room 100 out the back of our Sanctuary, while children age 4 through kindergarten meet in Room 101 down the hall.
Grades 1-5
Using Grow Kids curriculum, children engage in games, thoughtful discussion, video, and craftivities to dig deeper into 4 key pillars of our faith: spending time with God, time with others, using our gifts, and sharing our story.
As children morph into youth, their questions and interests naturally change. Here we begin to explore the formation of identity and character in our excavation of the Biblical story - finding our place in and alongside it.
This vital mid-week gathering includes music and worship arts ministries like: children's choirs, hand bells, puppets, a community dinner for all, a weekly art project, and games.
Night Out With Loving Sitters
usually on the second Saturday of each month, September through May.Night OWLS is a monthly recreational program for children with disabilities and their siblings. Each special needs child has an adult buddy; additional volunteers (youth and adults) help with programming for siblings.
Learn more about Night OWLS and sign up to participate: fumcah.com/owls
VBS is a nearly week-long children’s camp-like extravaganza we throw every summer! The atmosphere is immersive and engaging, giving children the opportunity to make friends and learn about God’s grace and love in exciting ways.
FUMCAH knows that children learn in many ways, so we use art, games, science, music in large and small groups to help children grow in their faith and love of God. Children are divided into age appropriate groups preschool through 4th grade graduates that are led by trained, caring, screened adults and older-youth Jr helpers.
Faith is caught as much as taught.
Children learn the importance of faith by participating alongside adults. Youth who are a full part of the life of a church are more likely to participate in a faith community as adults. And mutually, adults encounter faith in fresh ways when they witness the example of children.
We believe in this reciprocity and are always looking for meaningful ways to bring the generations together as the diverse and lovely body of Christ.