NIC Youth Fall Retreat Recap

12 youth from grades 6-12 (and 3 adult leaders) ventured to Lake Geneva, WI for a connective weekend retreat with 6 other Northern Illinois Conference churches. Over 85 youth in total were there! Worship, small group discussion, singing and games filled much of the weekend. A large whole group game of chaotic dodgeball was a Saturday afternoon feature. S'mores and a campfire we're also a favorite part of the weekend. The Theme for the weekend was "Behold." Worship reminded us that we're never really alone, God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and we can experience God in many ways. This was the 2nd year a ministry team from NIC hosted this fall retreat and the preferred date for next year is Friday, September 27-29, 2024. 6th-12th graders should save the date!




Youth BBQ