April 14: Central American medical mission with Chris Wood
April 21: Earth Care
Kathy Pollard and Anita Herr will present Earth-friendly Choices at Kaleidoscope after worship! Come and learn how to give up single-use plastics and the benefits of composting food waste. Learn what is truly recyclable. You'll be surprised!
April 28: No Kaleidoscope
May 5: Pickleball
May 12: No Kaleidoscope
May 19: “The Civil Rights Movement: Atlanta, Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham”
Since her years at Yale Divinity School in the early 1960's, Jean Wood has wanted to visit the places that were so important during the civil rights struggle. In March 2023, she finally went on a tour with Road Scholar to journey through the Deep South to hear powerful stories of struggle and be inspired by those resilient heroes. Jean will present a slide show and tell of meeting people involved in the 1960's and walking across the Pettus Bridge in Selma where "Bloody Sunday" was a turning point in the movement.
Always Something Different - Always Something Intriguing
Kaleidoscope is a faith formation opportunity designed for adults and older students that meets on most Sundays after worship.
Kaleidoscope comes in three formats:
Drop-in Bible study every Sunday after worship in the main floor Chapel. Grab your coffee or tea and join us.
Periodic one session and short-term series on topics of interest - from mission experiences to parenting wisdom.
A "Featured Kaleidoscope" each season.
Featured Kaleidoscopes are streamed to Kaleidoscope - YouTube.