Adult Ensembles
FUMCAH music is diverse and fun, featuring a range of styles from traditional and contemporary hymns to jazz, rock and pop selections – even show tunes. We value musical excellence and community spirit, offering opportunities for singers and instrumentalists to share their talents, best recipes (dessert nights!) and favorite bad jokes. We’re always happy to welcome new people!
Chancel Choir
A choral group that sings a wide variety of music styles almost every Sunday in worship. All are welcome to participate, but reading music is a definite plus. No audition necessary.
Rehearsals: Thursday 7:30–9pm, and/or Sundays at 10:30am.
Jeannie Workman, Director
Familia Dei Handbell Choir
Amy Bearden, Director
A contemporary vocal group which sings in worship on the first and third Sunday of each month. Participation by audition.
Rehearsal: Third Saturday of each month 10-11am.
Jeannie Workman, Director
Please contact Jeannie Workman, Music Director & Organist, j.workman@fumcah.com.