Youth Ministry

Youth ministry at FUMCAH meets teenagers (6th-12th grade) where they are and invites them into diverse ways to deepen their faith, build lasting relationships, and serve others in bold and creative ways.

Upcoming Events

JrHI Youth gather weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30pm

SrHI Youth gather weekly on Sundays from 4:00-6:00pm

Special events, mission projects, and intergenerational activities can be found in the events below:

  • Confirmation at FUMCAH is an 8-month intensive program for 8th graders that aims at helping students develop their own personal zeal for Jesus, justice, and the historic Christian faith. Together we dive deep into the themes of our scriptures, explore what makes John Wesley and United Methodism so special, and provide ways to enrich engagement in communal worship.

  • Students meet together regularly to build friendship, put their faith into action, and make a difference in the world. Some recents events have included movie nights, a yog and minfulness class, sandwich making for the Night Ministry and going to a Corn Maze

    Students at FUMCAH are also encouraged to be a part of the life of the church by participating in other ministries. Some of these ministries include singing in the chancel choir, volunteering for Night OWLS, participating in Inclusion and Justice opportunities, volunteering with Pinwheels, and participating in worship leadership.

  • “We accept people right where they are, just the way they are.” - Glenn "Tex" Evans, ASP founder

    A biennial mission trip for youth 9th-12th grade (age 14-19). The group travels to Appalachia for a week in the summer to repair homes, build community, and witness to the healing work of God’s justice. To financially support this decades-long mission project of our church, visit the FUMCAH Giving page.

    Learn more about our latest ASP trip in the Fall 2022 issue of Faith Leads, pages 6-7.

  • Children learn the importance of faith by participating alongside adults. Youth who are a full part of the life of a church are more likely to participate in a faith community as adults. Adults encounter faith in fresh ways when they follow the example of children.

    Intergenerational worship and faith formation opportunities will engage your mind and your senses. You won’t just sit still, listening and watching someone else. You will interact by moving your body and using your mind. There will be moments of reverence, plenty of fun, and a variety of ways to encounter God and other people.